Accurate Lungs Nodule identification is critical for early Lungs Nodule detection. Thus this study
proposed a model to address nodules present in 3D CT Scan images. The proposed model preprocessed
the image by removing unwanted data and segmented the data by using SFM (sparse field method) then
give its geometric shape and in the end detect nodules. Quantification shows the number of pixels
nodule covered in the image. In the past few years, the use of computer systems and image
processing to analyze medical CT images has come a long way, and many published works could be
used in medical practice. In this situation, doctors need to learn more about how computer systems
work in medical image processing. This will allow them to use these systems to find lung cancer
early. But for these systems to be used and accepted, their flaws must be fixed. Because of this,
developers and analysts need to work closely with the medical community. This way, the specific
needs of CAD systems can be used to make them better. Doctors, patients, engineers, and scientists
will all work together to make this happen. In this work, the use of CAD systems in processing CT
images of the lungs has been looked into, and the stages of processing that are needed to make
diagnoses and find lung nodules have been shown. Researchers in this field should find this
information useful, and it should also encourage doctors to use these systems.
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