The extensive evaluation of SCA using the
MODIS (MOD10A2) data declared snow accumulation and reduction as seasonal and periodic across the basins under study. A certain variability
is observed, however, in the year-to-year snow trends owing to interannually variable precipitation coming from the west over Hunza.
Interannual precipitation has been studied extensively [52][53][54][55]. The topography of the basins under study is complex and
incorporates area-wise snow cover dynamism. 80% of all the snow cover formation takes place on latitudes of 6000 m (a.m.s.l.). Going beyond
5000 m (a.m.s.l.), glaciated zones can be found however, the zones under 3000 m (a.m.s.l.) display the lowest precipitation trend. The
findings indicate the reliability of the MODIS (MOD10A2) product in the evaluation of dynamism of SCA having a 90% consensus with the data
acquired from products with a relatively higher resolution. It also validates the research led by Shrestha [24]. A minute rise in trend is
observed for the interannually recorded snow covers at Hunza and Shigar which indicates an increased amount of snowfall during the
precipitation season. Many studies reveal an overall decline in the observed patterns of glacial volume, however, Kumar [55] has
specifically discovered a recent increase in the SCA of the central Karakoram which is known as the Karakoram anomaly.
The snow cover figures for the Gilgit Baltistan Area offer three separate seasonal periods ie., snow cover withdrawal/depletion
period, accumulation period, and the period with minimum snow cover period during April-June, July-September, and October to March
respectively. For the area under study, the three periods of snow cover mobility area. (i) Accumulation period (October–March
September–February) (ii) Depletion period (March– June) and (iii) Period with the lowest snow cover (July–August).
The positive relationship between the hydro-meteorological variables and the SCA indicates that snow cover amassment and reduction
are reliant on temperature. As the temperature rises in late April, the river runoff increases on the rapid melting of snow covers;
however, they may behave differently on different elevations. At a lower elevation, the melting begins as early as February, and rainfall
has a certain intermittent contribution to the streamflow. Hussain [8] reported a year-to-year variability of runoffs due to rainfall in
the snow amassment phase. Heading to the final part of the month of May, the stream flows are reduced, however, at the beginning of June,
they start increasing again and are at their highest in the month of August due to high melting rates in elevated basins. The stream flows
reduce in the amount in late September and early October. Hussain [8] also explained that the snow starts melting in February as soon as
the temperature levels start rising and by the time of May and June almost all of it runs off.
The analysis of the hydro-meteorological characteristics of snow covers along with its statistical features, periodical, annual and
inter-annual changeability and slow trend dynamism, is important to understand its consequential impacts on the hydrological and
socio-economic systems of the region. This study offers the same. The high-resolution MODIS products were the most useful for this purpose.
The main hindrance in the accurate snow cover evaluation was the existence of cloud cover. It was noted that the Aqua snow product had more
cloud cover than the Terra snow product for the study area. The cloud filtering method was employed to get rid of the cloud cover and it
performed well overall, however, it could not completely exclude the cloud cover factor from the input snow data. It usually happens if the
clouds are bigger or remain for a significantly longer period than the time the window dimension of the applied spatiotemporal filter. For
the study region, such occurrences are observed during the spring and winters. Summers and fall generally have minimal clouds and a clear
sky with a constant cloud cover reading. Therefore, the cloud filtering method is not fully successful during winters especially for the
glacier bodies at high elevated sub-basins. With the overall performance of this cloud filtering technique as sufficient, it is advised to
use this filter prior to working on the evaluation of snow products. In this perspective, the results based on cloud-filter hyper-temporal
snow representations for all the basin areas are exceptional in the face of many geographical variables. Some modelling procedures
[56][15][34] using 8-daily MODIS snow datasets, free of cloud cover filter present the runoff evaluations against variable climate. We
consider such evaluations as less accurate when it comes to assessing the correlation of snow cover with the runoff and studying their
implications quantitatively.
Pakistan’s water storage capability was originally 13% of the exiting mean annual runoffs at the time of initial basin engineering,
however, currently, it has reduced to 9% and is suffering a constant decline due to heavy alluviation from young HKH mountain ranges [49].
This calls for sufficient adaptative measures and research into the prospective changeability in the hydrology of the region.
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