In this study, we harnessed the power of advanced computer science algorithms to
delve deeper into the complex interaction between UGSs and the SWB of respondents. Using
ANN, a powerful machine learning technique, we analyzed the data related to respondents'
interaction with UGSs. ANN unveiled intricate patterns and relationships that may not be
immediately evident through traditional statistical analysis. The outer loading values for
Visiting Routine, Spending Hours, and Distance (UGSI-1, UGSI-2, UGSI-3) provided by
ANN, 0.647 (R2 of 0.418), 0.773 (R2 of 0.598), and 0.708 (R2 of 0.501), respectively,
confirmed the statistical adequacy and significance of these variables. The use of ANN allowed
us to uncover nonlinear associations and provided a comprehensive view of how urban green
space interactions affect SWB.
Employing CNN, which excels in image analysis, we explored the visual and spatial
aspects of UGSs. By analyzing photographs and spatial data, we discovered that the quality
and aesthetics of green spaces significantly influence life satisfaction. KNN, a supervised learning algorithm, enabled us to classify and predict well-being outcomes based on the
proximity and similarity of respondents' experiences with green spaces. AI, as an intelligent
decision-making system, was utilized to extract insights from the survey data. It revealed the
dynamic nature of well-being and how multifaceted factors, including personal experiences,
social interactions, and environmental conditions influence it.
The existence of a favorable natural environment is essential for sustaining human life
on Earth. UGSs represent a crucial provider of ecological services and a component of this
natural environment. It's widely recognized how green infrastructure brings forth a multitude
of advantages for human well-being. A compelling and positive correlation between urban
greenness and life satisfaction was observed in a South Korean study, underscoring the high
levels of life satisfaction associated with green landscapes [20]. The presence of green spaces
within a 300-meter radius of residents' homes has a notable impact on their life satisfaction,
as evidenced by research conducted in London. This study reveals that individuals living within
this 300-meter radius tend to report high levels of overall life satisfaction, with satisfaction
levels diminishing as the radius increases [27][21]. A study conducted in Iran aimed to explore
the effects of various green spaces on human well-being, and it found a positive correlation
between frequent utilization of these green areas and increased levels of life satisfaction [22]
which strengthen the results of the current study.
Life satisfaction has consistently garnered significant attention from researchers in the
social sciences, and it has been evaluated using diverse metrics due to its significant impact on
human well-being. In Szeged (Hungary), the pivotal role of UGSs as a cornerstone of life
satisfaction was highlighted. This research unveiled a positive influence on human disposition
and life satisfaction, ultimately enhancing the quality of life [23]. The essential link between
humans and the natural world is vital for their functioning and the preservation of life's
activities. A cross-sectional study in Melbourne, Australia, found positive connection between
humans and green infrastructure. This underscores the broader significance of urban green
environments in improving overall SWB [16], like the present study describes.
Positive emotions and happiness are positively linked with SWB and all varieties of
green countryside. The presence of greenery enhances positive emotions and promotes a more
natural way of life [28]. A study was undertaken to investigate how people perceive their life
satisfaction in relation to the upkeep of urban green landscapes. The findings revealed that
individuals who maintained a strong connection with green spaces were more inclined to
report being "very satisfied" rather than just "quite satisfied" with urban green areas [29][30].
The research findings suggest that even a brief visit to a green space has the potential to
enhance SWB [31], which support the current study findings.
Positive emotions and happiness are positively correlated with both SWB and
greenness. The presence of greenness enhances positive emotions and fosters a more natural
way of life SWB and UGSs are positively associated with human feelings and happiness [28].
A study was conducted to explore people's perceptions regarding their level of life satisfaction
in relation to the upkeep of UGSs. The results indicated that people shifted from being "quite
satisfied" to "very satisfied" with the attributes of these green spaces [30]. There is a strong
recommendation that even a brief visit to a green space has the potential to enhance SWB
[31]. So, positive association exists between UGSs and their visitors not only in Lahore but in
the other part of the world.
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A: Urban green spaces Interaction:

B: Subjective Well-being:
Instructions: Tick (ü) mark in relevant box according to the response.