Contribution of CPEC to Mitigate Issues in Agri Sector


  • Saira Batool Center for Integrated Mountain Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Maryam M. Ali Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Areeba Amer Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore.


CPEC, Farmer’s Difficulties, Energy Crises, Fertilizer


CPEC's involvement in Pakistan's agriculture industry will be examined as part of this study's goal of identifying critical challenges in Pakistan's agricultural sector. A substantial part of Pakistan's economic growth has come from agriculture, which has supported rural livelihoods and contributed to the country's overall growth. The CPEC umbrella has three stages of successful project completion. These CPEC projects, which are now underway, will benefit the agriculture business somehow. Energy shortages may have been a major factor in the country's agricultural downturn over recent decades. The study's goals were met through a thorough review of the literature. Climate change, insufficient extension services, high fertilizer prices, land insecurity, and other problems have all been pointed to as having a substantial impact on agriculture's ability to produce enough food for a growing population. This study found that successfully completing CPEC-related energy and infrastructure projects will boost agricultural output, create jobs, and alleviate poverty.


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How to Cite

Batool, S., Maryam M. Ali, & Areeba Amer. (2021). Contribution of CPEC to Mitigate Issues in Agri Sector. International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 3(4), 77–86. Retrieved from


