Family Farming (A Source To Improve Livelihood in Pakistan)


  • Hamna Butt Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Aamer Amin Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Shahida Haji Center for Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR), University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Tahir Mahmood Center for Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR),University ofthe Punjab,Lahore


Family farming, Sustainable development, productivity, livelihood, Food security


It is possible to build a production system for forestry, agriculture, fisheries and the countryside, and aquaculture through the practice of family farming. Family farming creates jobs and reduces the number of people out of work in society. The family farm results in enhanced productivity and higher farm revenue. Indirectly or directly, family farming positively impacts food security and people's quality of life. All rural farming families in the Christian were included in the study's population. A random sample of females from the study area was selected to guarantee that the entire population was represented. A total of 220 people participated in the study (rural females engaged in different farming activities). SPSS was used to analyze the data, which was acquired using a pre-tested interview plan. There was a clear consensus among the participants that family farming positively impacted their long-term financial security. As many as 84.6 percent viewed family farming as having a positive effect on rural livelihoods. The highest mean was awarded to "minimize household food insecurity" among the numerous prospective benefits of family farming. Obstacles faced by rural women in the research area impeded their adoption of family farming practices. Women's lack of access to rural development practitioners/workers was rated first for these barriers. According to the findings of the research, women farmers who work on family farms need to be better trained through extension programs to do their jobs more effectively. To better understand the problems and potential benefits of family farming in Pakistan's highlands, this study conducted in-depth interviews with local farmers.


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How to Cite

Butt, H., Amin, A., Shahida Haji, & Tahir Mahmood. (2021). Family Farming (A Source To Improve Livelihood in Pakistan). International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 3(1), 21–26. Retrieved from




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