Activism of Child Labour in Agricultural Sector


  • Junaid Sabir Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Kashif Shafique Department of Geography, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore
  • Jamal Hasan Government Associate College, Salar Wala, Faisalabad
  • Aamer Amin Department of Space Science,University of the Punjab, Lahore


Child labor, Farmlands, Logistics, South Punjab


Child labor in the South Punjab area was the focus of this study. This study employed a three-point Likert scale to measure how many children were involved in farming in 415 farm families. Fewer than a third of farm kids worked full-time in agriculture compared to more than half of the students in the research. Weeding and picking crops and gathering firewood were among the most common chores in addition to caring for livestock. There was a positive link between agricultural activity and children's age, gender, and distance from school. When it comes to children's involvement in agriculture, factors including the family head's education, monthly income, and ownership of agricultural land were found to be detrimental. The study's findings suggest that child labor regulations be implemented in agriculture and that the number of public schools in rural areas increase. In traditional agriculture, fewer personnel are needed because of interest-free formal finance for contemporary technology installation.


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How to Cite

Junaid Sabir, Kashif Shafique, Jamal Hasan, & Aamer Amin. (2021). Activism of Child Labour in Agricultural Sector. International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 3(1), 14–20. Retrieved from


