Agriculture Sector in Pakistan (A Historic Analysis)


  • Saira Batool Center for Integrated Mountain Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Areeba Amer Center for Integrated Mountain Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore


GDP, GNP, Productivity, Growth, and Development


Long-term, sustainable growth in output is the primary objective of development economics and macroeconomic strategy. Productivity must always rise to keep up with rising levels of life. TFP is a primary driver of agricultural productivity growth. Inputs are integrated into the expected output for both economic and technological efficiency. Pakistan's rising overall factor productivity, notably in agriculture, was the focus of the research. This study uses the growth accounting approach to calculate TFT. It was shown that the amount of total factor productivity rose till 2019. According to the findings, the average TFP growth rate in the agriculture sector was greater than that in 1980. This decade observed a significant increase in agricultural TFP. TFP in agriculture is lower than in other industries, according to the research. To boost agricultural total factor productivity growth, government actions are required. Farmers' educational attainment has a significant impact on the expansion of TFP. TFP growth in Pakistan should be boosted by increasing farmers' education spending.


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How to Cite

Saira Batool, & Areeba Amer. (2021). Agriculture Sector in Pakistan (A Historic Analysis). International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 3(3), 51–56. Retrieved from


