Advancements in Irrigation System in District Charsadda Through Latest Technique


  • Anam Munawar Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Namra Ghaffar Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Hafsah Batool Department of Geography, Government F. C. College ( A Chartered University, Gulberg, Lahore


Rainfed areas, Water distribution, Arid region, Irrigated land


More than half of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's agricultural land is irrigated, while the other half relies on rainwater for irrigation, making it one of the aridest regions in Pakistan. Agriculture, especially in rain-fed regions, relies on effective water management to ensure its long-term sustainability. This research was conducted in Charsada KPK and an effort was made for utilization of available water efficiently. In this regard it was found that the land dependent upon rainy water reduced with passage of time due to enhancing the distributries throughout the region that lead to enhanced production and finally a healthy contribution in regional economy.


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How to Cite

Anam Munawar, Namra Ghaffar, & Hafsah Batool. (2022). Advancements in Irrigation System in District Charsadda Through Latest Technique. International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 4(1), 9–13. Retrieved from


