Livestock Protection and Management Starategies


  • Taskeen Zahra
  • Atika Saleem
  • Hafsah Batool


Prevention and Protection of Animals, Livestock, sustainable agriculture


Here, we review the literature and explain why collaborative, multi-stakeholder approaches are necessary for effective policy development in the area of animal welfare, which is a contentious and difficult topic for many people. We examine the inherent complexity of animal welfare through the lens of "wicked problems," drawing on governance literature on policy networks to highlight key factors for addressing this complexity. Two case studies are presented to illustrate policy network approaches to animal welfare and to demonstrate the importance of encouraging cooperation between diverse groups representing business, the community, academics, and government. We argue that as new forms of participatory governance become the norm, the power of stakeholder networks will grow. Leaders in the field of animal welfare can better engage with stakeholders and achieve sustainable improvements in animal welfare if they have a firm grasp of how collaborative stakeholder networks establish participatory governance, productive communication, and collective priorities.


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How to Cite

Taskeen Zahra, Atika Saleem, & Hafsah Batool. (2022). Livestock Protection and Management Starategies. International Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Development, 4(2), 53–62. Retrieved from


