Green House Effect and Internet of Things: A Review
Internet of Things, greenhouses, Information technology, farming systemsAbstract
This article summarises the current state of knowledge concerning Internet of Things (IoT) systems for ideal greenhouse conditions. Descriptive and statistical methods were applied to the data in order to draw conclusions regarding the connections between the IoT, new technologies, precision farming, Agriculture 4.0, and productive commercial agriculture. This is discussed within the broader context of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its role in reducing the negative impacts of climate change and global warming on agriculture through the optimization of key parameters like temperature and humidity, intelligent data acquisition, rule-based control, and removing obstacles to the widespread use of IoT in this sector of the economy. Low agricultural yields and losses have been exacerbated by recent unexpected and severe weather events; this is a challenge that can be overcome with technology-mediated precision agriculture. Over time, technological advancements have led to the creation of sensors that can detect and warn of impending frost, monitor crops remotely, protect against fire hazards, precisely regulate nutrient levels in soilless greenhouse cultivation, eliminate the need for grid power by relying solely on solar power, and control feeding, shading, and lighting systems intelligently to maximize crop output while minimizing overhead expenses. The limited adoption of smart technologies in commercial agriculture, the price, and the accuracy of the sensors are just some of the specific challenges. Future R&D initiatives and commercial applications can be aided by considering the obstacles and challenges.
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