Requirements Prioritization- Modeling Through Dependency and Usability with Fusion of Artificial Intelligence Technique
Artificial Intelligence, Requirements, Prioritization, Minimax, Optimization.Abstract
Requirements Prioritization is a crucial part of Requirements Engineering which helps to prioritize the customer’s requirements according to his needs and priorities. This prioritization describes which requirements should be addressed first and which can be addressed later in the software development process. Researchers have suggested many methods and techniques of requirements prioritization. However, there is no comprehensive technique that can be used for all sizes of software projects. This research paper includes an overview of the concept of requirements prioritization, the most common techniques used to prioritize the requirements, and their comparison. Based on based on this comparison, a new requirements prioritization technique is presented in this paper which can be used for every size of a software project. This technique aims to provide the solution to many issues of previous techniques especially dependencies of requirements, user involvement as well as designers involvement. The results demonstrated that the RP model outperforms traditional techniques, particularly in agile development environments, by providing a more efficient and flexible prioritization process. The involvement of designers in requirements prioritization and handling of requirements dependencies reduces the efforts required in the design process.
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