The Emergence of the Internet of Things in Military Defense: A Comprehensive Review
Internet of Things (IoT), Military Defense, IoT Security, Battlespace AwarenessAbstract
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a significant research field. The main concept of IoT technology is to connect millions of devices and facilitate interaction between these devices and the cloud. Recently this concept has been considered and applied in the design of systems intended for distributing data and information between heterogeneous devices. The goal is to enhance the performance of the business and decision-making process. IoT enables energy and supply chain monitoring, production coordination, equipment performance optimization, transportation, and public health, to improve, and enhance worker safety. It is revolutionizing military operations enhancing battlespace awareness operational efficiency, and command structures while enabling more intelligent and responsive security systems across diverse defense sectors and mission domains. This paper discusses how IoT technology shapes the future of military information and defense systems. The goal of this article is to present a comprehensive literature review on the application of IoT in military defense. This review also puts future recommendations for the further development of IoT technology in the defense sector.
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