Empowering Growth: Implementation of Sustainable Software Requirement Engineering Practices in Pakistan
Sustainability, Software Requirement Engineering, Energy Efficiency, Stakeholder Involvement, Environmental Impact.Abstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: Sustainability must be integrated into Software Requirements Engineering due to the environmental implications of software systems.
Novelty Statement: This research addresses the current gap in sustainable Software Requirements Engineering (SRE) by providing guidelines for integrating sustainable practices into software development.
Material and Method: An online survey was conducted using self-developed questionnaires designed to gather information on current sustainability practices in Software Requirements Engineering (SRE) among software professionals. The questionnaires, distributed via Google Forms, aimed to capture respondents' perspectives on the relevance of sustainable practices in the field.
Result and Discussion: The findings indicate that active stakeholder engagement, the use of energy-efficient algorithms, and the establishment of continuous improvement procedures are crucial for sustainable Software Requirements Engineering (SRE). Additionally, financial incentives and well-defined criteria for evaluating environmental impact emerged as significant factors. Among the successful practices recommended for integration into software development are audits, training programs, and the adoption of renewable energy practices.
Concluding Remarks: Incorporating sustainability into Software Requirements Engineering (SRE) enhances environmental sustainability and supports organizations' Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives, positioning them as key contributors to sustainable software engineering.
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