Signal Processing Approach to Detect Non-Metallic Targets for Through Wall Imaging Using UWB Antenna
Signal Processing, Through-Wall Imaging, Non-Metallic Targets, Time Domain, UWB, CST, AVAAbstract
This paper presents a signal-processing approach aimed at detecting non-metallic targets through walls using an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) antenna configuration. Through-wall imaging holds significant importance in various fields including security, surveillance,and search and rescue operations. The proposed methodology involves the utilization of the UWB Antipodal Vivaldi antenna, known for its wide bandwidth and high-resolution imaging capabilities. The study focuses on the detection of non-metallic targets using signal processing techniques. A through-wall simulation model utilizing a UWB Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna has been developed in CST Microwave Studio. This model generates received signals in the time domain for through-wall target detection, which are subsequently processed using signal processing techniques to produce 2D images.
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