XDP-ML: A Game-Changer in Intrusion Detection Systems for Modern Cybersecurity
Denial-of-Service Attack, Intrusion Detection, Cybersecurity, Kernel, XDP, Machine LearningAbstract
Intrusion Detection system (IDS) plays a vital role in cyber security. Traditional approaches are not good enough to detect properly the large threats. Machine learning provides a promising solution and good accuracy by providing large data adaptability. This paper introduced an IDS approach using the XDP framework for real-time network traffic analysis. Objective: The primary goal of this paper is to improve IDS accuracy and effectiveness by integrating the IDS with the fast XDP-based machine learning approach. Motivation: Traditional IDS methods are defenseless to advanced attacks, so modern and adaptive solutions should be improvised. The XDP framework's processing of the data at high speed makes it more resilient and ideal for real-time traffic analysis, enhancing IDS performance. Methodology: The proposed approach is evaluated using the CIC-IDS2017 and UNSW-NB15 datasets, which contain multiple network traffic features and attack labels. Results: The XDP-based machine learning approach enables real-time analysis and adapts to evolving threats. The XDP-based approach achieves a high detection rate of 98% to 99% with a low false positive rate. The performance is consistent and fast, demonstrating the productivity of the approach. Combining the IDS with XDP-based machine learning approaches makes more robust and scalable solutions for intrusion detection. The clear and accurate results show that it can handle advanced and more complex threats.
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