Challenges and Practices Identification via Systematic Literature Review in the Design of Green/Energy-Efficient Embedded Real-Time Systems
Energy-Efficient Embedded Real-Time Systems, Green Embedded Real-Time Systems, Challenges, Practices, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
As most embedded devices are portable, that is they are operated by batteries, early battery exhaustion is likely to cause the failure of the embedded real-time systems (ERTS). Therefore, developers and users enjoy the services of the ERTS but face green and energy consumption challenges. Studies show that attempting to design green ERTS may lead to some serious issues or deteriorate some of the quality characteristics of the embedded systems. Energy conservation in ERTS has continued to be an area of interest in the past years. Energy efficiency or certain quality features are considered while designing ERTS, but these two factors are not often considered together because they have direct impact on each other in ERTS. The purpose of this research is to identify the challenges in the design of green ERTS and the solutions that can be employed to address those challenges. A review of the relevant literature was conducted to define the problems and practices under consideration. Based on a comprehensive Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we have found 8 challenges and 34 practices from 65 papers in the green ERTS context. The results of our SLR will help us develop a framework for creating green ERTS in the future.
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