Prominence of Filtering Techniques for Harmonics Mitigation in Advanced Power Electronics Systems
With the advancement in technology, non-linear loads, continue to increase, and the enigma of harmonics is getting more and more serious. The huge addition of electronic loads in power systems has formed the problem of harmonic generation that has resulted in many associated drawbacks. This paper aims to analyze the harmonics in advanced power electronics-based systems and describes a solution to mitigate them through two distinguished filtering techniques. A rigorous analysis is done concerning the generation of harmonic distortion through different types of loads and harmonic mitigation by employing passive and active power filters. The active power (adaptive) filtering method mitigates all sorts of undesirable frequency components using artificial intelligence (AI) based algorithms by calculating the weight of the fundamental component and generating a harmonics replica to subtract it from the original periodic wave. The simulations that were done show that the indicated techniques can mitigate undesirable harmonics and can lower the total harmonic distortion (THD) effectively according to the statutory limit of the IEEE 519-2014 standard, thus lowering the associated drawbacks of harmonic generation in advanced power electronics systems.
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