Knowledge Acquisition System for Sentiment Analysis
Expert System, Knowledge Acquisition, Sentimental Analysis, Opinion Mining, Common-SenseAbstract
Human has aptitude to understand the knowledge from different life circumstances, experiences for acquire from these experiences and use itself for the erudition of Common Sense acquaintance for making the imperative conclusions in life. That is principal alteration between Out-dated Artificial Intelligence (AI), Expert Systems (ES) and Humans. Due to this capability, human could directly handle conclusion circumstances but in systems they have deficiency of generality, rules state of mind and Sentiments skills. Human circumstantial experiences communicate about how to live in social cultures where the common-sense knowledge is very vigorous. Subsequently Opinion Mining become very substantial method in now days. Two core categories for the system how to grow Sentimental Knowledge Acquisitions with the help of these two. Analyses around diverse methods used for Opinion Mining and forthcoming work might be ensue in approaching years for Sentimental Knowledge Acquisition.
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