Psycho-Social and Morbidity of Substance Use Disorder in Women
Psychosocial factors, Self Esteem, Anxiety, Depression, Social ConformityAbstract
Substance abuse disorder is a major and worldwide concern that cursed countries and mankind. Psychosocial factors influences differ across the person and may contribute to the development of physical and mental disorders. The research aimed to investigate the impact of psychological factors (Self-esteem, Depression, Anxiety, and Decision-Making Confidence) and social factors (Childhood Problems, Hostility, Risk-taking, and Social Conformity) that predictors of substance use disorder in women. en cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. Drug Abuse Screaming Test (DAST) and psychosocial functioning scale were used to collect data on women (N=200). The purposive sampling technique was employed for sample selection; moreover, the snowball technique was also used as the drug-addicted women recommended the other women. Results of the study ravels that psychosocial factors were a significant predictor of substance use disorder in women. The finding of the multiple regression analysis reveals that psychosocial factors were significant predictors of substance use disorder in women [R2 =.46, F (1,142)14.26, p<.01]. In conclusion, this study highlights some psychological (Self-esteem, Anxiety, Decision-making confidence) and social factors (Childhood problems, Risk-taking, and social conformity) that are valuable predictors of substance use disorder in women. These findings may help clinicians to develop treatment and policy guidelines for the prevention of drug addiction in women.
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