An Enhanced Authentication Scheme for Ensuring Network Devices Security and Performance Optimization
Wireless Networks (WNs), Message Digests (MDs), Secret Value, Base Station, Token ServerAbstract
In the technology world, the wireless network is more flexible and adaptable compared to the wired network. Because it is easy to install and does not require cables. Also, there have been many recent advances in the area of WNs (Wireless Networks), which have undergone rapid development. WNs have emerged as a prevailing technology due to their wide range of applications in every field of life. The WNs are easily prone to security attacks since once deployed these networks are unattended and unprotected. In networks, authentication is a well-explored research area. Recent advancements in networks and ubiquitous devices have meant that there is a need to explore the area of authentication with a new perspective. This study explores authentication schemes and their adoption in network-connected devices. The research will study how a wide variety of devices like those in IoT, WSN, industrial IoT, and wearable healthcare devices establish authentication. The focus of the study will be on high levels of security with an algorithm that has a small footprint. The scheme will be studying the design of a lightweight and secure authentication framework for network-connected devices. The proposed scheme provides extended security features while minimizing wireless communication security challenges. The final results will validate the authenticity of this scheme.
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