Interfering Factors of Use of E-Commerce Toward Innovative Performance of SMEs by Moderating The Effects of E-commerce Marketing Capabilities
Use of E-commerce, Innovative Performance of SMEs, E-commerce marketing Capabilities, Technology Readiness, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Adoption Cost, Government SupportAbstract
The performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), crucial to technological innovation within business and management, is a key obstacle to industrialization and creating a reaction to the changes. In the current study, the relationship between Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) aspects and the innovative performance of SMEs is mediated and moderated by the use of e-commerce and the efficiency of e-commerce marketing. In the present study, data were gathered through both face-to-face and online methods from proprietors and managers of SMEs operating in six prominent cities in Pakistan. Nearly 274 participants were randomly chosen to participate in the data collection. While 250 completed surveys were used for the analyses due to the unfinished survey report. The current study employed SPSS 25 to calculate the descriptive statistics, Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.3.2 to analyze the data, and SEM to calculate the inferential statistics. The study's findings indicate that the environmental component, the use of e-commerce, and the technology factor (technology readiness) are all positively correlated. Similarly, there is a negative association between organizational factors (adoption cost) and the use of e-commerce. In contrast, there is a positive relationship between the use of e-commerce and the innovative performance of SMEs (IP). The usage of e-commerce does not mediate adoption cost and innovative performance, but Technology Readiness (TR), Government Support (GS), and Innovative Performance (IP) do. The utilization of e-commerce and innovative performance and e-commerce marketing capabilities do not moderately correlate.
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