Impact of Parental Participation in Career Exploration Programs on High School Learner’s Self-Concept


  • Syeda Tafseer Zahra National University of Modern Languages
  • Erum Bibi National University of Modern Languages
  • Anila Amber Malik University of Karachi
  • Asma Sikandar Ripha International University Islamabad


Self-concept, Career key, Learners, Focus group, Parental participation


This study aims to understand the extent to which parents influence their children's career growth and how it influences their self-concept. In this study, we created a career exploration program in-house, which included both parents and their children. For the sensitization of the parents, two focus group discussion sessions were carried out, proceeded with a 52-item as a self-concept assessment. Using real-world case studies and logical debates, a total of 17 fathers were provided with information throughout the focus group session. After that, a posttest between group design was used to assess the impact of career development intervention on three different groups through highly reliable. A total of 62 adolescents were divided into three experimental group: 30 students were classified as alone, 15 students were partnered with their parents (n = 30), and 17 students were matched with 17 parents who had been educated to the issue through focus group discussions. The outcomes show that kids with informed parents did better than students alone and students with non-sensitised parents in terms of self-concept. Regression equation was found significant (F (1, 60) = 6.745, p=0.012), with an R2 of 0.101, which stated that student’s self-concepts holds 8.6% of the explained variability in Career exploration settings. The study's findings will be useful to policy makers, educators, parents, students, and researchers.


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How to Cite

Zahra, S. T., Bibi, E., Malik, A. A., & Asma Sikandar. (2023). Impact of Parental Participation in Career Exploration Programs on High School Learner’s Self-Concept. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 5(4), 523–532. Retrieved from