Enhancing Mobile Efficiency: A Cloud-Powered Paradigm for Extended Battery Life and Enhanced Processing Capabilities
Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing, Battery Optimization, Offloading, FirebaseAbstract
In an interconnected world where mobile phones are essential to everyday operations, the constraints of these devices in terms of processing power, memory, storage, and energy efficiency are becoming increasingly apparent. This research introduces an innovative solution by integrating Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) to address these challenges. The research focuses on the creation of an Android application called "ServiVerse" that efficiently drains the phone's battery to imitate real-world conditions. The software is accompanied by a Firebase-connected battery optimizer, which provides users with complete insights into battery state, cleaning history, and graphical representations of performance. The system's distinguishing feature is outsourcing power-intensive operations to a cloud server, resulting in increased energy efficiency and battery life. The study demonstrated successful battery optimization tactics adapted to individual users, such as the amount of cache and RAM deleted and storage space freed up on the mobile devices. This strategy has proven to be vital in addressing a key concern about background processing and the loss of power generation on mobiles, which is providing users with more efficient and longer-lasting battery life.
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