Fine-Tuning Audio Compression: Algorithmic Implementation and Performance Metrics
Audio Compression, Algorithm Evaluation, MP3 Compression, LPC Compression, Wavelet Compression, Subband Compression, Performance Metrics, Comparative Study, Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia ApplicationsAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study:
This study introduces a comprehensive evaluation of audio compression algorithms to address the increasing demand for efficient data compression techniques in various audio processing applications.
Novelty statement:
Our research contributes novel insights into the comparative analysis of audio compression algorithms, offering a systematic approach to assess performance across multiple dimensions.
Material and Method:
The research methodology involved the selection of a diverse dataset comprising five audio files, rigorous implementation of four prominent compression algorithms, and systematic evaluation of performance metrics.
Results and Discussion:
The abstract primarily focuses on presenting the findings of the comparative analysis, highlighting the performance of MP3, LPC, Wavelet, and Sub band algorithms across various evaluation parameters.
Concluding Remarks:
In conclusion, our study identifies Wavelet compression as the optimal choice among the evaluated algorithms, offering exceptional accuracy, perceptual quality, and minimal distortion in audio compression.
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