Optimized Coverage and Capacity Planning of Wi-Fi Network based on Radio Frequency Modeling & Propagation Simulation
Capacity, Coverage, Heatmap, Optimization, Wi-Fi.Abstract
Investigation for optimized coverage and capacity planning of Wi-Fi network is carried out in the testbed for the purpose of optimization in terms of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Signal to Noise & Interference Ratio (SNIR), Interference + Noise (I+N), downlink/uplink data rate and user capacity. The plan is carried out by conducting a site prediction survey through Altair’s Win Prop Software which is a Radio Frequency (RF) modeling and signal propagation simulation software, using the configuration of actual Wireless Local Area Network-Access Points (WLAN-APs). First, the map of the testbed with all respective material properties is drawn in Win Prop’s Wall Manager (Wall Man) Tool as a 3-Dimentional (3D) model. Then that 3D model is implemented in Win Prop’s Propagation Manager (ProMan) Tool where APs are deployed and wave propagation analysis as well as capacity planning is done. Results are analyzed for optimal signal strength, data rate, and user handling capacity. The results are validated by a smartphone-embedded software known as Cellular-Z. The average optimization increase in coverage, downlink & uplink data rates is 3.95 dB, 2.53 Mbps & 3.42 Mbps respectively.
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