Classification of Medical Images Through Convolutional Neural Network Modification Method
Image Classification, Fuzzy Membership, VGG-19 Modified ModelAbstract
The COVID-19 positive, tuberculosis and pneumonia, share the trait of being able to be identified using radiological investigations, such as Chest X-ray (CXR) images. This paper aims to distinguish between four classes, including tuberculosis (TB), COVID-19 positive, healthy, and pneumonia using CXR images. Many deep-learning models such as a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) have been developed for the Classification of CXR images. Deep learning-based models such as CNN offer significant advantages over traditional methods in the classification of diseases like TB, COVID-19, pneumonia, and healthy states. They provide higher accuracy, automation, early detection, reduced subjectivity, and resource efficiency, ultimately leading to improved patient care and outcomes. However, well-liked CNNs are massive models that require a lot of data to achieve optimal accuracy. In this paper, we propose a new CNN model that can be used to distinguish between different classes of CXR images. This model proves to be effective in classifying different diseases such as pneumonia, COVID-19, and tuberculosis. This study has used 6326 CXR images dataset containing COVID-19 positive, tuberculosis, and pneumonia and has normal images. In this dataset, 80% of the CXR images are taken for the training purpose and 20% are taken for the validation purpose, of the proposed CNN model. The proposed CNN modified model with parameter adjustment as well as using categorical cross-entropy as a loss function obtains the highest classification accuracy of 98.51% with a precision, recall, and F1 score of 0.98, 0.985, and 0.98 respectively.
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