Low-Cost Smart Metering Using Deep Learning
Yolo-v8, Paddle OCR, Meter Detection, Automatic Meter Recognition, Low-cost Smart Metering.Abstract
Utility services like electricity, water, and gas are essential for modern living, and their demand has been rising worldwide. However, traditional manual meter reading is a standard procedure for billing purposes. This is not only labor and time-intensive but also prone to mistakes, which results in incorrect billing and revenue losses. In the era of advanced AI, leveraging cutting-edge technology to automate meter readings has become increasingly viable. However, Existing AI-based meter reading systems have limitations in detecting and recognizing meters from a distance. This research addresses these problems by presenting a novel system that utilizes the YOLOv8 model to detect meter screens from a distance. In addition, the system uses a fine-tuned Paddle OCR to recognize meter readings. A Novel dataset curated for the meter screen detection, recognition, and end-to-end OCR tasks related to electricity, gas, and water utility meters has been presented, containing up to 8,044 images. The proposed system was trained and extensively tested on the proposed dataset to gauge its performance. The system achieved an exceptional mean Average Precision (mAP) of 0.995 for both analog and digital meters on the detection task; furthermore, the system achieved an accuracy of 96.92% in the recognition task, which is 70% better than the accuracy of Pre-trained Paddle OCR. Moreover, an all-encompassing evaluation that combines detection and recognition using Paddle OCR and YOLOv8, i.e., the end-to-end OCR task, achieved an accuracy of 97.8%. Lastly, the system achieved an inference speed of up to 6 frames per second, guaranteeing real-time effectiveness.
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