Model-Based vs Model Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Models for Cancer Treatment: A Critical Analysis with a Solution DRL Model


  • Madeha Arif College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, NUST
  • Usman Qamar College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, NUST


Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), Model-based learning, Model-free learning, Deep Learning, Neural Network (NN)


In the field of artificial intelligence, deep reinforcement learning (RL) has grown to be one of the most talked-about issues. It has a wide range of applications, including end-to-end control, robotic control, recommendation systems, and systems for natural language communication. In this paper, we have critically reviewed model-based and model-free deep reinforcement models for the treatment of cancer patients and evaluated each model based on some parameters. Based on the evaluation, a critical discussion is carried out highlighting the limitations and drawbacks of all the existing models. The analysis also gives suggestions and marks the key indicators of future needs in this domain. In the end, a solution model is proposed that tries to cover all the shortcomings and addresses the issues encountered in the existing models. The findings indicate that we can get a 94% accuracy rate with three agents, and that increasing the number of agents has no further effect on accuracy.


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How to Cite

Madeha Arif, & Usman Qamar. (2024). Model-Based vs Model Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Models for Cancer Treatment: A Critical Analysis with a Solution DRL Model. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 6(5), 286–295. Retrieved from