Assessment of Rooftop Potential for Solar Energy and Rainwater Harvesting in Islamabad: A Geospatial Approach towards Sustainable Urban Development
Rainfall harvesting, GIS, Remote Sensing, Sustainable Planning, Renewable sourcesAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: Water and energy crises due to abnormal temperatures, precipitation patterns and urban growth leading imbalance in sustainable process so this study explores the potential of underused area of urban settings and their potential in sustainable urban development.
Novelty Statement: This study integrates advance geospatial techniques to access rooftop characteristics and calculate the potential of rooftops for solar energy and rainwater harvesting.
Material and Method: Firstly, the total area of all rooftops is estimated by utilizing freely accessible Open Buildings V3 Polygons data with a resolution of 50 cm. Rooftop current uses and characteristics were retrieved from openly accessible remote sensing data and by implementing Geographic Information System (GIS) methodologies. To estimate the potential of renewable electricity Global Solar Atlas data is used, and the potential for rainwater harvesting is calculated using precipitation data by the Pakistan Meteorological Department.
Result and Discussion: The results show that rooftop area of Islamabad has the potential to harvest 778.92 million gallons/annual of rainwater and about 16,504.29 MWh per year, which can address the capital city's energy and water demands. The sectors of I8, I9, H9, H13, I14, blue area, Rawat industrial area, and DHA have demonstrated significant potential for solar energy and rainwater harvesting. Taking into account the findings of the current research and public feedback, we can propose recommendations for future energy policies, new society planning, sustainable use of rooftop space and Islamabad can lead the way towards a more sustainable future.
Concluding Remarks: The successful implementation of proposed systems can lead to a reduction in reliance on non-renewable energy sources and might reduce urban flooding risk in region.
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