LSM: A Lightweight Security Mechanism for IoT Based Smart City Management Systems using Blockchain
Smart City, Internet-of-Things, Lightweight Security Mechanism, Blockchain, Smart ContractAbstract
Smart cities utilize digital technologies for the improvement of its services’ quality and performance by reducing resources’ cost and consumption, with a commitment of action and efficiency to its citizens. The increased urban migration has led to many problems in cities, such as traffic congestion, waste management, noise pollution, energy consumption, air pollution, etc., as nowadays COVID-19 pandemic has seized the whole world. So, it is necessary to carry out its standard operating procedures (SOPs), including less human interaction. Thus, technology plays a vital role via Internet-of-Things (IoT) based systems. In this paper, a lightweight security mechanism (LSM) is proposed to enrich the IoT based systems. Blockchain technology is integrated, and its completely decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) technology enables the users’ authentication and authorizes legitimate procedures. The IoT based management system is developed to monitor some of the aforementioned problems and solve solid waste, air, and noise monitoring systems. The Ethereum blockchain is used to implement a smart contract based framework for the system’s security and access control. The evaluation of performance of the LSM demonstrates that it is an efficient and lightweight tool in terms of cost, resources, and computation and superior over related security studies.
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