Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna Operating at Higher Order Mode
Characteristics Mode Analysis (CMA), Higher Order Mode (HOM), Bandwidth Enhancement, Patch AntennaAbstract
This paper proposes an enhanced bandwidth microstrip patch antenna by exciting it with higher order modes. Characteristics Mode Analysis (CMA) is used to analyze and understand the possible modes for bandwidth enhancement of microstrip patch antenna. Furthermore, Defected Ground Structure (DGS) technique is utilized for bandwidth enhancement. The proposed antenna is having a size of 67.5 × 67.5 mm2 with an operating frequency of 5.8 GHz. The impedance bandwidth is increased by 13.8% using Defected Ground Structure (DGS) by adding slots in the ground for higher order mode operation. Moreover, the proposed antenna has an overall efficiency of above 80. Therefore, enhanced impedance bandwidth, improved radiation pattern, and compatible design make the design novel and suitable for practical wireless applications.
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