A Framework of Software as a Service Using a Crowdsourcing Approach: A Case Study of Smart Classroom
Cloud Resources, Crowdsourcing, Smart Education, Pedagogy and ITAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: Crowdsourcing can be effectively utilized to identify factors and develop modules by creating a platform where individuals contribute their ideas and suggestions. This research investigates the application of crowdsourcing-based cloud resources managed on a global scale, bringing together diverse skills to handle workloads on cloud platforms. Despite inherent challenges such as quality control due to the varied locations of contractors, and communication issues including language barriers, differing time zones, and security concerns, crowdsourcing provides a robust framework. It enables software developers to access a vast talent pool and deliver services more quickly and efficiently.
Novelty Statement: The crowdsourcing framework leverages the collective wisdom of diverse individuals to solve problems and generate ideas. In a smart classroom setting, this approach can be applied by setting clear objectives, engaging students through appropriate platforms, fostering collaboration, collecting data via surveys or discussions, analyzing results, and using insights to enhance learning experiences. By leveraging students' contributions, educators can enhance collaboration, creativity, and engagement in the classroom, ultimately enriching the learning process for all participants.
Materials and Methods: This research is divided into three phases:
- Identification Phase: Challenges are identified through a systematic literature review (SLR).
- Implementation Phase: Identified factors are shortlisted to design a framework.
- Validation Phase: The framework is validated using a smart classroom case study.
Results and Discussion: Our findings indicate that smart classrooms provide an opportunity to investigate how students adopt technology and innovation. Survey results show that both teachers and students believe smart classrooms enhance their knowledge and perceived ease of use, demonstrating the benefits of this educational approach.
Concluding Remarks: By exploring the case of the smart classroom, this research challenges existing pedagogical methods and introduces innovative ways to engage students through new technology acceptance perspectives. This study highlights the potential of crowdsourcing in creating more effective and interactive learning environments.
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