Impact of Internal Forces on Employee Behaviors: Role of Situational Factors
Motivation, Ability, Role Perception, Situational Factors, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Counter Productive Work Behaviours, Turnover IntentionAbstract
The current research investigated the effects of motivation, ability, and role perception (internal forces), also known as drivers on employee behaviors as well as to find out the moderating role of situational factors between drivers and employee behaviors. Data were collected from 800 in-service employees across various organizations and industries in Gujranwala using a convenience sampling technique. Work-related behaviors assessment battery was used to collect data from individuals which consists of 7 scales. Each scale consists of 10 items and the response rate varies from 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree. Analysis indicates that motivation, ability, and role perception have a significant effect on employee behaviors. Moderation analysis results indicate that situational factors significantly moderate the relationship between drivers and behaviors. The current research sheds light on the significance of behaviors depending upon the four driving forces that need to be changed, or modified in regards to an increase in organizational performance.
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