Physio-Mechanical and Petrographic Characteristics of Granitic Rocks from the Demote Valley, Gilgit, Pakistan: Implications for Strength and Bearing Capacity
Granitic Rocks, Physio-Mechanical Properties, Petrography, Gilgit BaltistanAbstract
The granitic rocks of the Damote Valley (Juglote Group, Kohistan Batholith) were evaluated for their physio-mechanical and petrographic properties to assess their suitability for construction, particularly as dimension stones. Detailed petrography and tests such as Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), Brazilian Tensile Strength (BTS), Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Schmidt Hammer, Specific Gravity, Porosity, Water Absorption, and Slake Durability were conducted. The granitic rocks, medium to coarse-grained with no preferred orientation, consist mainly of plagioclase (19–35%), quartz (30–43%), and alkali feldspar (40–44%), along with biotite, muscovite, sericite, and minor opaque minerals. Based on geographic location, the granites are divided into three zones: Fulkin granite (Zone 1), Bargin (Zone 2), and Shing (Zone 3). The average Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) values of the granite from the Demote area are 63 MPa for Fulkin granite, 66 MPa for Bargain granite, and 53 MPa for Shing granite, reflecting the granite’s suitability for engineering applications. BTS values range from 7.55 to 12.04 MPa. Schmidt hammer rebound values range from 43 to 47, while specific gravity averages from 2.5 to 2.98. Water absorption is low (0.34–0.60%), and porosity ranges from 1.19% to 1.28%. All results fall within ASTM specifications. The medium-grained granite is stronger and more durable than coarse-grained varieties due to its tighter grain packing and fewer microcracks. Based on these findings, Damote granites are suitable for construction in roads, bridges, constructions, and the dimension stone in the area.
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