Health Implications of Arsenic and Qualitative Deterioration of drinking Water from Underground Water Supply Lines of Lahore, Pakistan
Water Quality, Water Contamination, pH, Total Dissolved Solids, E. coli, Arsenic , Wall City , Gulberg , Lahore , GISAbstract
The study is a comparative analysis of water quality among two variant areas of Lahore. There are several problems regarding drinking water facilities. Drinkable water can be contaminated due to various reasons. Thus, the study highlights infrastructural causes (material of pipes and outdated pipes) of water contamination. Wall City and Gulberg are the study areas of this research. Gulberg area is far much better in various terms as compared to the wall city. Under this study, four parameters were selected for water quality pH, Total dissolved solids, E.coli and Arsenic. There were 13 water samples collected from each study area by random sampling. Samples were tested on the latest footing in this field. All results validate the problematic statement and highlight severe health effects. The results of these four parameters were far above the water quality standards declared by World Health Organization. Causes of these severe results include the outdated water pipes that are being laid down for the past several decades, for example Wall City area, etc. Results also depict low values in the Gulberg area which is recently developed as compared to the wall city. The comparative study also attests problem statement of the study.
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