Report Generation of Lungs Diseases From Chest X-ray using NLP
Attention, chest X-rays, classification, convolutional neural network, deep learning, natural language processing, pulmonary diseases, recurrent neural network, report generation.Abstract
Pulmonary diseases are very severe health complications in the world that impose a massive worldwide health burden. These diseases comprise of pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, Covid-19, cancer, etc. The evidences show that around 65 million people undergo the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and nearly 3 million people pass away from it each year that make it the third prominent reason of death worldwide. To decrease the burden of lungs diseases timely diagnosis is very essential. Computer-aided diagnostic, are systems that support doctors in the analysis of medical images. This study showcases that Report Generation System has automated the Chest X-Ray interpretation procedure and lessen human effort, consequently helped the people for timely diagnoses of chronic lungs diseases to decrease the death rate. This system provides great relief for people in rural areas where the doctor-to-patient ratio is only 1 doctor per 1300 people. As a result, after utilizing this application, the affected individual can seek further therapy for the ailment they have been diagnosed with. The proposed system is supposed to be used in the distinct architecture of deep learning (Deep Convolution Neural Network), this is fine tuned to CNN-RNN trainable end-to-end architecture. By using the patient-wise official split of the OpenI dataset we have trained a CNN-RNN model with attention. Our model achieved an accuracy of 94%, which is the highest performance.
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