Efficacy of Flood relief measures - 2010: A case study of district Layyah, Punjab-Pakistan
Disaster, Flood, NGO, District government, Policy, Management.Abstract
In 2010, Pakistan experienced a massive flood that took the lives of 1985 individuals, in addition to causing huge damage to livestock, shelters, and domestic goods. Multiple local and international organizations extended support to the victims of the 2010 Pakistan flood. Beside relief support, media highly criticized their relief activities. The study was conducted in the district of Layyah, in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The study primarily aims at determining aspects of the flood relating to: ground situation and extent of damages, quality of services provided by the government and non-government organizations (NGOs). The study gathers data and analysis of data was carried out with simple statistical techniques. Ground situation in the country appeared alarming: flood affected 160,000 square kilometer of land, damaged to crop approached US$ 0ne billion, and affected around 20 million people. In the study area 40 % of livestock could not survive, 94.5 % houses were completed abolished and 38.7 % of domestic goods were heavily damaged. District government role was appreciated by 66.4 % of the respondents. Around 50 % of the respondents reported against the performance of the Provincial Disaster Management Authority and National Disaster Management Authority. 96.2 % of the respondents recognized the role of NGOs while respondents suggested working of NGOs through district governments.
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