Active Surface deformation from DEM Based Surface Dynamics in Upstream of Mangla Reservoir and eastern Potwar Plateau


  • Rao Mansoor Ali Khan Department of Space Science University of the Punjab Lahore.
  • Azam Sohail Department of Space Science University of the Punjab Lahore.
  • Syeda Areeba Gillani Department of Space Science University of the Punjab Lahore.
  • Syed Shehzad Hassan Department of Space Science University of the Punjab Lahore.
  • Syed Amer Mahmood Department of Space Science University of the Punjab Lahore.


Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquired by Shutter Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) is useful to compute Surface Dynamics (SDs) including, Drainage Density (DD), Topographic Relative Relief (TRR), Iso Base-Levels (IBL) and Topographic Vertical Dissection (TVD). It provides detailed information about the lithology based on erosional boundaries as well as delineation of active tectonic scarps. It confers a well-built connection among diverse stream Strahler ordering and the localized erosive or neotectonics conditions in an actively deforming topography. These techniques are rapid, proficient, and consistent to demarcate tectonic control even along or over the similar lithologies. This investigation appraises the eroding and uplifting landforms along upstream of Mangla reservoir in lower Jhelum valley. The aim is to delineate margins for lithological demarcation and to distinguish whether these are affected by neotectonics or not. We noticed unusual localbase-level inconsistency that may be related to the well-known active tectonic expressions. 

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How to Cite

Rao Mansoor Ali Khan, Azam Sohail, Syeda Areeba Gillani, Syed Shehzad Hassan, & Syed Amer Mahmood. (2020). Active Surface deformation from DEM Based Surface Dynamics in Upstream of Mangla Reservoir and eastern Potwar Plateau . International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 2(2), 51–60. Retrieved from