Review on Performance Analysis of Three Control Techniques for Buck Converter feeding a Resistive Load
Buck converter, PID control, Fuzzy logic control (FLC), Sliding mode control (SMC)Abstract
In power systems, DC/DC converters are used to reduce or improve the dc voltage level. A dc/dc converter's major difficulty is controlling the output dc voltage closer to the desired set-point voltage at the load and input voltage fluctuation. Designers aim for better efficiency, reduced harmonics, and higher power while keeping converter size and power under safe limits. Several control techniques are used in dc/dc converters to overcome the problems mentioned above. This paper compares the transient performance of three control techniques, namely proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, fuzzy logic control (FLC), and sliding mode control (SMC) methods, after a brief introduction of these techniques. Secondly, the three techniques have performed simulation results of a buck converter feeding a resistive load. Comparative analyses are presented for various conditions such as input voltage and load variation tests. It is observed that SMC outperforms the other two methods for both simulation scenarios.
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