Revolutionizing Cryptography: A Cutting-Edge Substitution Box Design Through Trigonometric Transformation
Substitution-Box, Linear Trigonometric Transformation, Security, Cryptosystems.Abstract
This paper proposes an innovative approach to enhance the robustness of substitution boxes in cryptography by employing chaotic mapping. Our methodology leverages chaotic mapping to construct a robust 8 × 8 S-box that adheres to the requirements of a bijective function. An illustrative example of such an S-box is presented, accompanied by a comprehensive analysis employing established metrics such as nonlinearity, bijection, bit independence, strict avalanche effect, linear approximation probability, and differential uniformity. To evaluate its strength, we benchmark the performance of our proposed S-box against recently investigated counterparts. Our findings reveal that our approach to S-box construction is both pioneering and efficacious in fortifying substitution boxes for cryptography. Given the escalating frequency of cyber threats and hacking incidents, safeguarding online communication and personal information has become increasingly challenging. Cryptography plays a pivotal role in addressing these challenges by transforming data into a more secure format. In this research, we introduce a novel, lightweight algorithm grounded in trigonometric principles, which significantly enhances security and reduces susceptibility to hacking attempts. Comparative evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of our algorithm over established methods such as the Hill cipher, Blowfish, and DES. While conventional approaches prioritize security, they often incur delays due to increased computational load. Our objective is to expedite cryptographic processes without compromising security, achieved through the strategic application of trigonometric principles. Our algorithm capitalizes on trigonometric functions and operations to introduce confusion, thereby thwarting hacking attempts. Extensive research and testing substantiate that our algorithm excels in both security and speed compared to traditional methods. By seamlessly integrating trigonometric concepts into a streamlined design, our algorithm proves to be practical for real-world applications, offering a robust solution for safeguarding data on the Internet.
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