LectureBuddy: Towards Anonymous, Continuous, Real-time, and Automated Course Evaluation System


  • Muhammad Abdullah Shah Bukhari Department of Computer Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Faisal Bukhari Department of Data Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Idrees Department of Data Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6411-5956
  • Syed Ameer Hamza Bokhari Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Technology, Swabi, Pakistan.
  • Ashfaq Ahmad Department of Computer Science & IT, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan.


improving classroom teaching, evaluation methodologies, interactive learning environments, computer-mediated communication, student feedback system


Student’s course evaluations are a primary tool for measuring teaching effectiveness. The traditional practice in course evaluation at most institutes is carried out once, at the end of each semester. The effectiveness of this system requires candid participation from the students, followed up by the administration, and the faculty. While corrective action took place behind the scenes over a long period, students never observed any immediate change(s) based on the feedback they were provided through the existing course evaluation systems. This discourages students from considering the evaluation seriously. In this paper, we investigate the need for an innovative system to replace the existing course evaluation systems. We conducted two separate surveys from 210 students and 67 teachers to gain insight into the existing course evaluation systems. The survey participants answered questions based on the tendency of feedback provided by students, method of teacher’s evaluations, frequency of evaluations conducted by institutes, and steps to make classrooms more interactive. We also conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of the data collected from the surveys, both qualitative and quantitative. Our study showed a need for an innovative course evaluation system to continuously gather student feedback throughout the semester anonymously. These findings led us to develop the prototype of an innovative course evaluation system, “Lecture Buddy”, which is anonymous, continuous, real-time, and automated and which alleviates the shortcomings of the traditional course evaluation systems.

Author Biography

Muhammad Idrees, Department of Data Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Dr. Muhammad Idrees is serving the Department of Data Science (DDS), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan as Assistant Professor from 30-March-2021. Previously he served the Punjab University College of Information Technology (PUCIT) from 2008 as a regular Faculty Member and from 1994 as visiting/contact teacher in the computing-related domain. Dr. Idrees completed his Ph.D. degree in the area of Visual Programming Languages. Prior to that has two master’s degrees in Physics and Computer Science, M.Phil. degree in Computer Science, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science, and Professional certifications from Oracle. He has received all the Computer Science degrees with distinctions. He started his professional career in Computer Science and Information Technology as a programmer and left the IT industry in 2008 to join Academia. While working in the IT industry he enjoyed top positions in various software houses and successfully concluded dozens of local and international software development projects. During this period, he provided consultancy services to the local IT industry and continuously engaged himself in teaching software development-related courses at his alma mater, the University of the Punjab. His core research interests include data structure and algorithms, and computer programming. He is also conducting research in the areas of visual programming, autonomous robots, internet of things (IoT), image processing, and computer vision. He can be accessible at the following email address.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Abdullah Shah Bukhari, Faisal Bukhari, Idrees, M., Syed Ameer Hamza Bokhari, & Ashfaq Ahmad. (2023). LectureBuddy: Towards Anonymous, Continuous, Real-time, and Automated Course Evaluation System. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 5(3), 284–297. Retrieved from https://journal.50sea.com/index.php/IJIST/article/view/523