Salat Postures Detection Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture
Salat Posture Recogntiion, Namaz Posture, MediaPipe, HCI, 3DCNNAbstract
Salat, a fundamental act of worship in Islam, is performed five times daily. It entails a specific set of postures and has both spiritual and bodily advantages. Many people, notably novices and the elderly, may trouble with maintaining proper posture and remembering the sequence. Resources, instruction, and practice assist in addressing these issues, emphasizing the need of prayer sincerity. Our contribution in the research is two-fold as we have developed a new dataset for Salat posture detection and further a hybrid model Media Pipe+3DCNN. Dataset is developed of 46 individuals performing each of the three compulsory Salat postures of Qayyam, Rukku and Sajdah and model was trained and tested with 14019 images. Our current research is a solution for correct posture detection which can be used for all ages. We examined the Media Pipe library design as a methodology, which leverages a multistep detector machine learning pipeline that has been proven to work in our research. Using a detector, the pipeline first locates the person's region-of-interest (ROI) within the frame. The tracker then forecasts the pose landmarks and division mask in between the ROIs using the ROI cropped frame as input. A 3D convolutional neural network (3DCNN) was also utilized to extract features and classification from key-points retrieved from the Media Pipe architecture. With real-time evaluation, the newly built model provided 100% accuracy and a promising result. We analyzed different evaluation matrices such as Loss, Precision, Recall, F1-Score, and area under the curve (AUC) to give validation process authenticity; the results are 0.03, 1.00, 0.01, 0.99, 1.00 and 0.95. accordingly.
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