Review of Peer Feedback in Collaborative Tutoring Systems
Collaborative Tutoring Systems, Peer Feedback, E-LearningAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study:
Collaborative tutoring systems (CTSs) allow students to communicate from different geographical areas to learn, share, and explain ideas related to a particular problem.
Novelty statement:
Many CTSs employ peer tutor evaluation to offer feedback to students as they solve scenarios. When they receive similar questions, the students utilize the feedback to enhance their thinking. The accuracy of peer feedback is important because it helps students to enhance their learning skills. If the student serving as a peer tutor is unfamiliar with the topic, he or she may suggest incorrect feedback. Considering peer feedback’s importance in learning systems, this study's primary goal is to critically examine various collaborative tutoring systems and evaluate the strategies they have created to enhance group learning. Numerous reviews have been published in the past, but none of them have taken into account the methods by which these systems deliver or assess peer feedback.
Material and Method:
This article critically reviews different CTSs based on the proposed evaluation scheme to investigate their design and methods that support peer collaboration.
Result and Discussion:
Through this study, it was found that there are few attempts in which the feedback sent from one student to another student is evaluated by CTS. The peer feedback accuracy is important, because a student who gets inaccurate feedback may reach the wrong conclusions, which would affect the learner's knowledge.
Concluding Remarks:
It is concluded that all of the CTSs provide chances to boost student's learning gains. Fortunately, the entire degree to which these advantages can be realized is subject to further investigation.
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