Optimizing UAV Wing Performance: A Computational Analysis with Computer-Based Algorithms for Composite Material Integration
Wing, FEM, Composite materials, Structural Analysis, Weight reductionAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: The aircraft wing, a vital component, demands intricate design to balance lift generation, drag reduction, and weight minimization. In advanced UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), prioritizing stealth and low weight, a pioneering solution involves replacing traditional metallic wing components with composite materials, offering superior lightweight properties, strength, durability, and flexibility.
Novelty Statement: Since most of the studies focus on fuselage, wing ribs, and skin, this research emphasizes spars which are a primary component of the wing.
Material and Method: Composite material T800S/3900-2 is a widely used carbon fiber material in the aerospace industry, which is proposed to be utilized in wing spars. The finite element method is used to carry out the investigation and verification of this transition of materials from metals to composite materials.
Result and Discussion: By varying ply orientations and thicknesses of composite materials to match the stiffness and strength of metal spars, our findings demonstrate that composite wing spars exhibit equivalent stiffness, greater strength, and reduced weight compared to traditional metallic counterparts.
Concluding Remarks: The shift to composite materials in UAV wing design offers a transformative solution. This research shows that for optimal structural performance and achieving lower weight objective composite materials, composite materials are the most suitable materials for UAV wing spars.
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