Hybrid Approach to Solve Thermal Power Plants Fuel Cost Optimization Using Ant Lion Optimizer with Newton-Based Local Search Technique
Economic Load Dispatch (ELD), Ant Lion Optimization (ALO), Valve point loading (VPLE), Fuel cost., Objective functionAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: The optimization of the power system is a complicated problem that is extremely non-convex, nonlinear, and important for reducing the cost of production.
Novelty Statement: Despite the fact that several metaheuristic algorithms are proposed for solving power system optimization problems, the strength of hybridized global search-based techniques has not commonly been applied to power system optimization.
Material and Method: Deterministic power system optimization strategies are unable to yield global optimal outcomes because of the entrapment in local optimum zones. Stochastic approaches like those in which Ant-Lion Optimizer is used and hybridization algorithms with local search methods SQP, IPA, and active set give better results.
Result and Discussion: Hybridized global search-based techniques have been successfully applied to power system optimization with economic load dispatch in particular. Results from findings hybridized-ALO outperforms modern optimization methods.
Concluding Remarks: Results from findings show 3 and 13 generator systems that hybridized-ALO outperforms modern optimization methods.
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