A Comparative Analysis of BER Performance for NOMA in the Presence of Rayleigh Fading and Impulse Noise
Smart Grid (SG), Smart Meter (SM), Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), Power Division Multiple Access (PDMA) and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC).Abstract
Importance of Study: This research investigates the integration of wired and wireless communication in Smart Grid (SG) systems, addressing the challenges posed by impulse noise and the increasing demand for bandwidth.
Novelty statement: The study explores the impact of impulse noise models on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) performance within fading environments, offering insights into optimizing bandwidth utilization in multi-user SG communication.
Material and Method: Numerical simulations validate the derived closed form of the bit error rate (BER) equation, utilizing a NOMA downlink system. The performance parameters for assessing the effects of impulse noise in a Rayleigh fading channel include instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), bit error rate, disturbance ratio, and the trade-off between spectral efficiency and energy efficiency.
Result and Discussion: The research reveals that NOMA demonstrates promising performance in SG communication despite the presence of impulse noise, with BER decreasing rapidly with increasing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The study highlights a performance trade-off between impulse noise and fading, emphasizing the importance of accurate SNR levels for power allocation in NOMA systems.
Concluding Remarks: This study contributes novel insights into the robustness of NOMA under realistic SG conditions, offering valuable implications for enhancing reliability and efficiency in SG communication infrastructure.
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