Using Spatial Covariance of Geometric and Shape Based Features for Recognition of Basic and Compound Emotions
compound emotions, fiducial points, shape features, position based features, SVMAbstract
Introduction. Compound emotion recognition has been an emerging area of research for the last decade due to its vast applications in surveillance systems, suspicious person detection, detection of mental disorders, pain detection, automated patient observation in hospitals, and driver monitoring.
Objectives: This study focuses on emotions, highlighting the fact that the existing knowledge lacks adequate research on compound emotions. This research work emphasizes compound emotions along with basic emotions.
Novelty Statement: The contribution of this paper is three-fold. The study proposes an approach relying on geometric and shape-based features using SVM and then fusing the obtained geometric and shape-based features for both basic as well as compound emotion recognition.
Materials and Method: This study provides a comparison with six state-of-the-art approaches in terms of percentage accuracy and time.
Dataset: The experiments are performed on a publicly available compound emotion recognition dataset that contains images with facial fiducial points and action units.
Result and Discussion: The results show that the proposed approach outperforms the existing approaches. The best accuracy achieved is 98.57% and 77.33% for basic and compound emotion recognition, respectively. The proposed approach is compared with existing state-of-the-art deep Neural Network architecture. The comparison of the proposed approach has been extended further to various existing classifiers both in terms of percentage accuracy and time.
Concluding Remarks: The extensive experiments reveal that the proposed approach using SVM outperforms the state-of-the-art deep Neural network architecture and existing classifiers including Naive Bayes, AdaBoost, Decision Table, NNge, and J48.
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