Appraisal the Impact of Urban Evolution and Change on Land Use and Land Cover: A Case Study of Abbottabad District


  • Khushboo Naz Department of Geography University of Karachi
  • Sheeba Afsar Department of Geography, University of Karachi
  • Sumaiya Bano Department of Geography. Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology, Gulshan Campus


Urban Evolution, Land Surface Temperature, LULC, NDVI


Introduction/Importance of Study: Abbottabad district has gone through urban evolution drastically. The evident changes have observed in LULC of the district using RS/GIS techniques, which contributes to various environmental changes and put stress on the resources of the city. It is important to highlight areas at higher risk of urban expansion in the district to tackle the future growth of the city.

Novelty Statement: Our Research contributes to identify the increasing urban growth of the Abbottabad District from 1985-2023 using RS/GIS techniques that had not done previously. District’s LULC change and problems affiliated with it, has been addressed with solutions and recommendations, which will lead to the sustainable development of the city.

Material and Method: The study utilized the images of Landsat 5 (TM) and Landsat 8 (TIRS/OLI) collected from Earth Explorer of year 2000-2023. MLC classification has been carried on to identify the LULC classes in study area. The study employed the weighted overlay method, which provided the Urban Expansion Risk Model of the study area by analyzing parameters i.e.  LULC, NDVI, LST, NDBI, Elevation and Population.

Result and Discussion: Our Findings represented the LULC changes of 2000-2020 through Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC), which indicated the increase in built-up land that is 19.1% in last two decades and decrease in vegetation cover that has cleared for the construction and agricultural purposes. The LULC change brought problems in all spheres- housing, health, education, sanitation, transport, security, jobs etc. The NDVI values also showed the decrease in vegetation cover. To analyze Land Surface Temperature LST tool was used. LST calculations have represented the increase of 3o C in temperature. The study highlighted the consequences of NDVI and LST changes along with the environmental problems, such as pollution, Loss of biodiversity, land sliding, topographical changes and flooding. The field visit contributed towards understanding the ground realities.

Concluding Remarks: The study will help government to pay proper attention towards eradicating the problems of urban growth, pollution, urban flooding, land sliding and deforestation in the district. The better planning for the urban growth and LULC can prevent the further degradation of the district. It will also contribute towards sustainable growth of the city in future.

Author Biography

Sheeba Afsar, Department of Geography, University of Karachi

Prof. Dr Sheeba Afsar

Chairperson, Department of Geography 

University of Karachi


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How to Cite

Khushboo Naz, Afsar, S., & Sumaiya Bano. (2024). Appraisal the Impact of Urban Evolution and Change on Land Use and Land Cover: A Case Study of Abbottabad District. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 6(6), 71–88. Retrieved from