Resilience Assessment of Urban Areas in Peshawar, Pakistan, in Response to Climate Change Impacts


  • Abdul Jalil Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar
  • Taqwa Syed Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar
  • Muhammad Ibrar Institute of Criminology, University of Peshawar
  • Bilal Bahadar Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar


Urban Resilience, Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation Strategies, Vulnerability Assessment, Peshawar


Introduction of the Study: The Urban areas in Peshawar, Pakistan, are increasingly at risk from climate change impacts, necessitating a thorough resilience assessment to mitigate these risks and enhance adaptation strategies.

Novelty Statement: This study introduces a novel framework specifically tailored to Peshawar’s context, focusing on urban resilience—a topic that has not been extensively explored before.

Material and Method: A mixed-method approach was employed, including household surveys, focus group discussions, stakeholder interviews, and the analysis of secondary data from satellite imagery and government reports.

Result and Discussion: The major findings reveal significant vulnerabilities in infrastructure, diverse community perceptions of climate risks, and varying effectiveness of current adaptation measures. The capacity for emergency response demonstrated by local institutions underscores a critical need for capacity building. The study highlights both strengths and weaknesses in urban resilience, emphasizing the importance of institutional support and community engagement.

Concluding Remarks: The study provides targeted recommendations to enhance resilience-building efforts in Peshawar, aiming to improve the city’s ability to withstand and adapt to climate change impacts.


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How to Cite

Jalil, A., Syed, T., Ibrar, M., & Bahadar, B. (2024). Resilience Assessment of Urban Areas in Peshawar, Pakistan, in Response to Climate Change Impacts. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 6(6), 333–340. Retrieved from

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