Advanced Blast Algorithm for Molecular Identification, Biodegradation and Decolorization of Synthetic Melanoidins Using Fungal Species Isolated from Soil and Spent Wash
Synthetic Melanoidins, Biodegradation and Bioremediation, Indigenous Fungal Species, Spent Wash, Molecular IdentificationAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: Distillery spent wash contains a high organic load as Melanoidins. It is generated due to the Millard reaction, which produces sugar and amino acids, leading to extensive water and soil pollution. Anaerobic digestion removes 60-70% COD and color, so post treatment is required for degradation by using fungal species as biological process.
Objectives and Novelty statement for this study: The study aims to isolate and identify fungal species for the degradation of synthetic melanoidins from spent wash using a cost-effective, low-toxicity, and environmentally friendly fungal-based biological process.
Material and Method: Three mixed fungal culture inoculums (spent wash, wet, and dry soil) and seven isolated fungal strains were examined on solid media that degraded and decolorized melanoidins at controlled pH 5.5, 25oC, 160 rpm for 3-5 days.
Result and Discussion: The results showed that mixed culture of spent wash removed the highest COD 91.8 %, color removal was 75.7 %, F-S6 isolate identified as Penicillium showed maximum soluble COD removal was 96.7 %, and F-S5 isolate identified as Syncephalastrum showed a maximum color removal was 98.8 %.
Concluding Remarks: It was concluded that the microbial process using fungal species was successfully applied to enhance degradation and decolorization to remove melanoidins. Furthermore, Gompertz Modeling was done to check the fitting of the curve at 680 nm Optical Density (OD) analysis for seven fungal strains with the following five factors significantly estimating maximum specific growth rate µM, Asymptote A, coefficient of determination R2, lag time λ, and goodness of fit.
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